
Literary Interpretation 1100
In some ways this course is like Professor Webb's classes in interpretation. While the focus of his courses is often climate change, mine will more likely be the disruptions in language, economies and borders that will necessarily come with climate change.

A Study of a Single Author
While this is not a study of a single author--or perhaps famous pair like F. Scott and Zelda--it is focused on a single major text. Other works that are required texts are "Two Weeks in the Capital" by Nicolas Medina Mora. That doesn't mean these are the only works to be read. There are multiple other texts that might be introduced throughout. I have in the past introduced the works of Gramsci, and Alonso Ruizpalacios film Güeros.

A Student-Run Course
My intention is to have students choose the various aspects of their course. One requirment would be that students would choose works related to the course and to their personal interests and they would cite and then display notes on a google doc. This would allow other students to find materials for their papers and read other students summaries.